Elevate PreK is an initiative created from through the collaborative action of LAUNCH Flagstaff as a shared strategy for improving quality and access to high quality early learning experiences for children.

In the report, Expanding High Quality Preschool in Flagstaff: A Request to Support a Pilot Solution, LAUNCH Flagstaff illustrates the many factors influencing the need to improve and expand access to early childhood educational services.

Read the report.

Through this collective impact initiative, we have launched the three strategies below to achieve our goals.


Elevate PreK Pilot classrooms – a high quality, full day preschool for four-year-old children at no cost to families.  Read more…


Elevate Family Partner –  connecting families to high quality preschool and child care services, as well as other family links in the community.  Read more…


Community Collaboration – connecting and resourcing current programs to boost the efficiency of  existing children & family programs. Read more…

Funding and Implementation Partners